TUE 07/29/08 6pm - 8pm Opening Reception with Paul Brown (Ticket required)
WED 07/30/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour Art
THU 07/31/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour Art
FRI 08/01/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour Art
2pm-4pm Linda & Cary Dachtly Jazz Duo Entertainment
7pm-8pm Fluidthought Collective - Contemporary Rock & Jazz Entertainment
SAT 08/02/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour
11am-1pm John LaFollette Acoustic Guitar Entertainment
4pm - 8pm Youth Sew, Quilt making demonstration Demonstration, Sarah Brown Artist
SUN 08/03/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour s
2pm - 4pm "Capitol City Music Company - Barbershop Quartet
MON 08/04/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour
2pm - 5pm The Wexner Center for the Arts presents the 2008 Ohio Short Film and Video Showcase Youth Division
TUE 08/05/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour
11am Ohio Art Council "Percent for Art"
2pm Ohio Art Council "Percent for Art"
WED 08/06/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour Art
3:00pm Ohio Art Council "Percent for Art"
8pm - 10pm Phong Nguyen and Alison Colman - The Fuse Factory Electronic and Digital Arts Lab presents FUNeractive Exterior of cox building
THU 08/07/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour
2pm - 3pm Columbus Puppetry Guild Demonstration
5:00pm-8:00pm The Wexner Center for the Arts presents the 2008 Ohio Short Film and Video Showcase Youth Division
FRI 08/08/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour
SAT 08/09/08 9am - 9pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour
3pm - 5pm The Blue Level - Rock, Pop, and Jazz
SUN 08/10/08 9am - 8pm Fine Arts Exhibits & Children's Tour
11am-3pm The Wexner Center for the Arts presents the 2008 Ohio Short Film and Video Showcase Youth Division
Stern: Home Economics
Home Economics
Domestic Fraud in Victorian England
Rebecca Stern
In Home Economics: Domestic Fraud in Victorian England, Rebecca Stern establishes fraud as a basic component of the Victorian popular imagination, key to its intimate, as well as corporate, systems of exchange. Although Victorian England is famous for revering the domestic realm as a sphere separate from the market and its concerns, actual households were hardly isolated havens of fiscal safety and innocence. Rather, the Victorian home was inevitably a marketplace, a site of purchase, exchange, and employment in which men and women hired or worked as servants, contracted marriages, managed children, and obtained furniture, clothing, food, and labor. Alongside the multiplication of joint-stock corporations and the rise of a credit-based economy, which dramatically increased fraud in the Victorian money market, the threat of swindling affected both actual household commerce and popular conceptions of ostensibly private, more emotive forms of exchange. Working with diverse primary material, including literature, legal cases, newspaper columns, illustrations, ballads, and pamphlets, Stern argues that the climate of fraud permeated Victorian popular ideologies about social transactions. Beyond providing a history of cases and categories of domestic deceit, Home Economics illustrates the diverse means by which Victorian culture engaged with, refuted, celebrated, represented, and consumed swindling in familial and other household relationships.http://www.ohiostatepress.org
British literature,
Spring 2008,
Victorian studies
Mooney: The Artistic Censoring of Sexuality

The Artistic Censoring of Sexuality
Fantasy and Judgment in the Twentieth Century Novel
Susan Mooney
In The Artistic Censoring of Sexuality: Fantasy and Judgment in the Twentieth-Century Novel, Susan Mooney extensively examines four modernist and postmodernist novels that prompted in their day harsh external censorship because of their sexual content—Ulysses, Lolita, Time of Silence, and Russian Beauty. She shows how motifs of censorship, with all its restrictions, pressures, rules, judgments, and forms of negation, became artistically embedded in the novels’ plots, characters, settings, tropes, and themes. These novels contest censorship’s status quo and critically explore its processes and power. This study reveals the impact of censorship on literary creation, particularly in relation to the twentieth century’s growing interest in sexuality and its discourses.http://www.ohiostatepress.org
COPS to Welcome Professor George Marcus of Williams College for Research Talk
Professor George Marcus (Ph.D., Northwestern University), Department of Political Science at Williams College, will be visiting the OSU campus to give a research presentation entitled, “From Neuroscience to Politics: Discovering a Hidden Geography and the Way We Navigate.” The talk will take place on May 2, 2008 at 11:00 AM in Room 360 of the Journalism Building on The Ohio State University campus.
Professor Marcus is an expert on the study of affect and politics. Some of his recent books on the subject include the following:
Neuman, W. R., Marcus, G. E., Crigler, A., & MacKuen, M. (2007). The affect effect: Dynamics of emotion in political thinking and behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Marcus, G. E. (2002). The sentimental citizen: Emotion and democratic politics. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.
Marcus, G. E., Neuman, W. R., & MacKuen, M. (2000). Affective intelligence and political judgment. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
If you would like more information on this event, please feel free to contact Professor Lance Holbert, Department of Communication at The Ohio State University, at holbert.27@osu.edu or at 614-247-7644.
Professor Marcus is an expert on the study of affect and politics. Some of his recent books on the subject include the following:
Neuman, W. R., Marcus, G. E., Crigler, A., & MacKuen, M. (2007). The affect effect: Dynamics of emotion in political thinking and behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Marcus, G. E. (2002). The sentimental citizen: Emotion and democratic politics. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.
Marcus, G. E., Neuman, W. R., & MacKuen, M. (2000). Affective intelligence and political judgment. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
If you would like more information on this event, please feel free to contact Professor Lance Holbert, Department of Communication at The Ohio State University, at holbert.27@osu.edu or at 614-247-7644.
* New 2008 Fine Arts Exhibition Requirement*
The Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Department will be providing the following opportunity for artist to get their work professionally photographed
May 24, 2008, 9am-5pm
Artwork Photo Shoot
Professional Digital Images on CD
By Appointment Only
To get a price list, to set an appointment or for more information please call or email:
Pamela O'loughlin
The Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Department will be providing the following opportunity for artist to get their work professionally photographed
May 24, 2008, 9am-5pm
Artwork Photo Shoot
Professional Digital Images on CD
By Appointment Only
To get a price list, to set an appointment or for more information please call or email:
Pamela O'loughlin
COPS student publishes in IJP/P
Congratulations to Fei "Chris" Shen, who recently had a paper accepted for publication in a late 2008 issue of the International Journal of Press/Politics (formerly the "Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics"). This study examines media contributions to the attrition of political candidates during Presidential primaries.
Shen, F. (in press). “Staying alive”: The impact of media momentum on candidacy attrition in the 1980-2004 primaries. The International Journal of Press/Politics.
Shen, F. (in press). “Staying alive”: The impact of media momentum on candidacy attrition in the 1980-2004 primaries. The International Journal of Press/Politics.
Important dates, see prospectus for full details on upper right
Open to Ohio Artists
Announcing the Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition, funded by the Ohio Arts Council and the Ohio Expositions Commission. This year the esteemed jurors include Tim Portlock of Philadelphia, PA, Mike Ferris of New York, NY, and Anderson Turner of Kent, OH.( see below)
This exhibition is open to Ohio artists and typically awards more than $15,000 from such partners as the Ohio Art Council, many local arts councils, and art groups. The exhibition includes more than 300 works of Art in all mediums and disciplines and draws more than 34,000 visitors.
* NEW THIS YEAR Images accepted in DIGITAL FORMAT ONLY!!!!***************
Important Dates:
Jun 7 Entry deadline - Forms must be postmarked by this date
Jun 11 Late entry deadline, with additional fee
Jun 25 Acceptance - Notices of acceptance/non-acceptance mailed
Jul 7 Accepted shipped entries delivered
Jul 6-7 Accepted entries delivered by hand
Jul 29 Opening Reception/Awards
Jul 30 - Aug 10 Exhibition Schedule
Aug 10 - 12 Artwork Pick-up
Exhibition held at Ohio State Fair Cox Fine Arts Building 717 East 17th Avenue Columbus, OH 43211-2698
Open to Ohio Artists
Announcing the Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition, funded by the Ohio Arts Council and the Ohio Expositions Commission. This year the esteemed jurors include Tim Portlock of Philadelphia, PA, Mike Ferris of New York, NY, and Anderson Turner of Kent, OH.( see below)
This exhibition is open to Ohio artists and typically awards more than $15,000 from such partners as the Ohio Art Council, many local arts councils, and art groups. The exhibition includes more than 300 works of Art in all mediums and disciplines and draws more than 34,000 visitors.
* NEW THIS YEAR Images accepted in DIGITAL FORMAT ONLY!!!!***************
Important Dates:
Jun 7 Entry deadline - Forms must be postmarked by this date
Jun 11 Late entry deadline, with additional fee
Jun 25 Acceptance - Notices of acceptance/non-acceptance mailed
Jul 7 Accepted shipped entries delivered
Jul 6-7 Accepted entries delivered by hand
Jul 29 Opening Reception/Awards
Jul 30 - Aug 10 Exhibition Schedule
Aug 10 - 12 Artwork Pick-up
Exhibition held at Ohio State Fair Cox Fine Arts Building 717 East 17th Avenue Columbus, OH 43211-2698
MCL Sprain Laxity Demonstration
This is a great video showing how the medial side of the knee opens up when the medial collateral ligament is sprained.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
ACLR Animation
This is a nice short animation demonstrating a method for completing a Bone-Tendon-Bone Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
European visitor to OSU and COPS this summer

I just received word from Jorg Matthes, currently at the University of Zurich, that he received funding from the Swiss NSF to come to OSU for a two month visit in July and August. When here, he plans on initiating various collaborations involving COPS faculty and students while taking in the Columbus scene. Feel free to get in touch with Jorg at j.matthes@ipmz.uzh.ch. Here is a link to his web page, where you can find a list of his recent publications in such places as Communication Research, the International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Communication Methods and Measures, and the Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, among others.
Madyson Burgess Joins OSU
I'm happy to report that yesterday I received word that Madyson Burgess, an honors undergraduate here at OSU, has accepted our admission offer and will be staying here for our MA program come the fall. Madyson has interests in survey research methods, political communication, and communication technologies. Welcome Madyson!
Welcoming Megan Hill to COPS
I spoke with Megan Hill Saturday morning and I'm very happy to let everyone know that she has told me she'll be joining us in the Ph.D. prorgram at OSU (and in COPS) in the fall. Please welcome her -- she can be reached at meghill2@gmail.com
Tchernev chooses OSU
I am happy to be able to report the addition of another future COPS member. After receiving several graduate school admissions offers, John Tchernev has chosen OSU for his Ph.D. study. John comes to us from Northwestern University, where he completed his B.A. A few years out of college, John returns to academics after spending time in LA as a freelance writer. Please join me in welcoming John.
New Course from Law School
Normally, students in the Graduate School are unable to take courses offered by the Law School. However, a special arrangement has been made so that grad students can take a course being offered by law professor and prominent e-Democracy scholar Peter Shane next winter (2009) quarter. The course will emphasize the role of the Internet in democracy. You can learn more about Peter Shane here, and do get in touch with him if you think you'll want to take his course. Keep this in mind if you have an interest in this topic...
Political Theory Talk
The Political Theory Workshop is pleased to announce a talk by Simone Chambers of the University of Toronto who will be speaking on:
"Rhetoric and the Public Sphere: Has Deliberative Democracy Abandoned Mass Democracy?"
Professor Chambers is a distinguished scholar of political theory and
public law. She has held various positions at Harvard, Colorado,
Princeton, and the University of Munich. She has made foundational
contributions to the study of deliberative democratic theory, democracy
and the media, and theories of civil society. More recently, Prof.
Chambers has been interested in the role of religion in public
discourse, as well as practical tensions arising within deliberative
democracy's institutional manifestations.
Please join us on Friday, April 11 at 3:30pm in Derby 2130 for what promises to be a very interesting talk, with a reception to follow.
"Rhetoric and the Public Sphere: Has Deliberative Democracy Abandoned Mass Democracy?"
Professor Chambers is a distinguished scholar of political theory and
public law. She has held various positions at Harvard, Colorado,
Princeton, and the University of Munich. She has made foundational
contributions to the study of deliberative democratic theory, democracy
and the media, and theories of civil society. More recently, Prof.
Chambers has been interested in the role of religion in public
discourse, as well as practical tensions arising within deliberative
democracy's institutional manifestations.
Please join us on Friday, April 11 at 3:30pm in Derby 2130 for what promises to be a very interesting talk, with a reception to follow.
New COPS Members
I'm happy to announce the first wave of new COPS members for next year. We have learned that Ja-Yeon ("Janey") Lee (lee.jayeon@gmail.com), who is currently completing her MA degree at the University of Texas-Austin, will be joining our PhD program in the fall. She is interested in political communication and new technologies. Jim Collier (wrcpem@columbus.rr.com), currently earning his BA here at OSU, will be joining the MA program, with interests in political communication. I know of several more students who we will be hearing from in just a matter of days, and I'll post more as a learn more. Meanwhile, please join me in welcoming Ja-Yeon and Jim to OSU and COPS!
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