Ligibel and Wright: Island Heritage

Island Heritage

A Guided Tour to Lake Erie’s Bass Islands

Ted Ligibel and Richard Wright

This carry-along travel guide provides the Bass Islands visitor with information and photographs needed to identify points of interest, maps for eight walking tours, and fascinating bits of history about the sites found along each walk. Other features include a brief history of the steamship trade, and a glossary of architectural terms and styles for the beginning sightseer.

Spinrad: The Summons of Death on the Medieval and Renaissance English Stage

The Summons of Death on the Medieval and Renaissance English Stage

Phoebe S. Spinrad

“In the great age of the English drama, death walked the stage in many guises, constantly reminding Renaissance man and woman that all endings were one end. But such a vivid reminder was not new to the Renaissance audience, and in fact was not only a mutation but a muting of the Death that had frightened and comforted audiences for two centuries before. Without the medieval Legends and Dances of Death, without the Dreary Deaths that brandished spears from medieval painting and stage, there would have been no Doctor Faustus, no Bosola, no Yorick.

“It is the purpose of this study, then, to examine the way in which four centuries of art managed to grapple together Everything and Nothing into the greatest drama of the English language—only to lose sight, at the end, of what they were grappling with, and to wrestle helplessly with the scenery as the curtain came down.” —from the preface