ANES Online Commons

The ANES has created an Online Commons to encourage the submission of new ideas from individual investigators about ways to measure relevant concepts and relationships on their election surveys.

The Online Commons can be viewed by anyone, although registration is required if you want to post.

For information about registering, go to

More MAPOR photos

Here are some newly released photos taken at MAPOR 2005. There is a nice picture of OSU COPS members Jason Rieneke and Lindsay Hoffman accepting the top student paper award from Rick Perloff.

Two COPS Members Win Major Public Opinion Award!

The World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) has acknowledge the top quality of the work of two COPS members, Andrew Hayes and Carroll Glynn, by awarding them the Worcester Prize for Best Article appearing in the journal International Journal of Public Opinion Research for 2005.

The papers (a one-two punch in the 3rd and 4th issues of 2005) put forth the concept of Willingness to Self-Censor and present evidence for the validity of its measurement. The articles can be downloaded from an OSU computer at:
Willingness to Self-Censor: A Construct and Measurement Tool for Public Opinion Research
Validating the Willingness to Self-Censor Scale: Individual Differences in the Effect of the Climate of Opinion on Opinion Expression

Jim Shanahan of Cornell University was a co-author on the papers.

Congratulations Andrew and Carroll!!!

New ANES Website

The American National Election Studies has announced a new website address:

According to the ANES, the new site suggests that that the project is "an asset of the entire scientific community" and run by scholars from many universities. Some of the material has been rearranged and updated.

New Data Archive Links

I have added a new set of data archive links to the right side of this page. Use the COPS blog as your one-stop-shop for accessing public data for research purposes. This list will grow as you let me know which links should be added.

Searching the Daily Me

Seems that if searching Google exposes you to too much information that doesn't fit your political biases, you've got an alternative -- a search engine that divides results into ideological leanings!
Read more here.