MAPOR 2006 call for proposals

It is already time to start thinking about MAPOR. The 2006 call for proposals has just been made. Go to the MAPOR web page and select the "conference" link. Proposals (no more than two pages) are due at the end of June.

...and again!

Yet still another congratulations is in order! Jason Reineke has won the top student paper award in the AEJMC Law Division this year for his submission to the 2006 conference titled "The Politics of Censorship: A Curved Explanation for a Contentious Phenomenon." As a sole-authored submission, this is an especially significant and impressive accomplishment. Congratulations to Jason!

When Will it Ever End?

And, we have yet another award winner in our midst. Andrew Hayes' paper with Kris Preacher, "Bootstrapping specific indirect effects in multiple mediator models of media effects" was ranked as a Top Three Faculty Paper by the Communication Theory and Methodology division of the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication. Congrats Andrew! This marks the FOURTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR that a political communication/public opinion faculty member or graduate student from the School of Communication has had an award-winning paper in this division.

Still more awards

Since congratulations abound recently, why stop now? Young Mie Kim's submission to the political communication division of ICA received a top faculty paper award. She'll be presenting it in Germany in June:

Kim, Y. M., & Vishak, J. (2006, June). Just laugh! You don't need to remember: The effects of the entertainment media on political information acquisition and processing. Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.

Congratulations Young Mie! (John Vishak, by the way, is an M.A. student in the communication program here, but not a COPS member).

Another winner!

The winner of ICA Political Communication division's "Best Paper in Political Communication" award for 2005 has just been announced. Two were chosen this year, one of them being from COPS's own Chip Eveland, for his collaborative effort with Dhavan Shan, Jaeho Cho, and Nojin Kwak:

Shah, D. V., Cho, J., Eveland, W. P., & Kwak, N. (2005). Information and expression in a digital age: Modeling internet effects on civic participation. Communication Research 32, 531-565.

Congratulations to Chip!

Survey Research Colloquium

Dr. Amy Ferketich of the School of Public Health will be discussing her recent survey research projects among Ohio's Amish population this Friday, 1:30-2:45 in the Journalism Hall of Fame Room. The title of her talk will be Barriers to Sampling an Isolated Population: The Ohio State University Amish Population Study Experience.

While this talk does not deal with public opinion or politics, it will deal with some interesting interdisciplinary issues in survey research and will be an opening into that world of research. Particularly if you are interested in the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Survey Research, I hope to see you Friday at this talk.