Response Latencies in Survey Research

Several COPS members have, over the years, been using response latencies in surveys and experiments. How long it takes a person to answer a question functions as an important window through which we can peer into the "black box" that is the human mind. A recent Washington Post article talks about some of the foundations of this research. Because of the increase in the number and types of empirical questions that can be answered when response latencies are measured, we are using "latent timers" (a methodology developed in part here at OSU in the Political Science department) in the TOPS survey this year. Analyzing these data should keep us very busy for years to come.

Ohio Center of Political Universe

Or, not far from it. A recent article reveals that campaign spending on federal-level races by "outside" groups is twice as high in Ohio as in any other state in the nation. Nice to be here locally studying it as part of our three-wave COPS/TOPS panel study (see previous post on this), which is now in the middle of Wave 2. Anyhow, read the article here.

COPS makes waves in Washington D.C.

You may be interested in reading a report in today's Washington Times newspaper discussing the research of COPS members Andrew Hayes and Mike Huge and its importance for politics and participation in the current election context. Just click the link here.

So Goes the Nation

The 90-minute documentary film by Endgame Entertainment about Ohio's central role in the 2004 presidential election is playing this week at the campus Gateway theaters.

Patriot Act Meets Content Analysis

The method of content analysis for assessing tone of media coverage has entered the terrorism age. See the NY Times story here...