Notable News
The Organization of Art School Students Union (OASSU) will host an artist talk with Chris Martin at 4 pm Weds, April 15, in room 262, Hopkins Hall. Martin is an abstract painter who creates poetic works bursting with color, employing elements of collage and landscape imagery.
The Wexner Center will announce its slate of summer films -- indoor and outdoor series -- on Weds, April 15, at 2 pm via live streaming video.
Don't forget about Big Arts Week at Ohio State next week -- with a whole slate of events planned on and around campus. Enjoy performances, art exhibitions, improv, films, jazz, dance, bands and more!
Got an interest in the relationship of the cosmos and the psyche? Richard Tarnas, professor of philosophy and cultural history at the California Institute of Integral Studies, presents a lecture and workshop Fri, April 17, and Sat, April 18, at First Community Church in Columbus. The events are sponsored by the Jung Association of Central Ohio. Full time students may attend the Fri lecture for free; bring ID. For details, click here.