Day 18

Dear Leandro,

I adore you. You're cute, funny, very fit (of course), and so encouraging. You seem to love women in a non-sleazy way and have a passion for life.

My darling, I'm sorry to tell you that I betrayed you today by doing someone else's cardio workout. The thought of stumbling through another session of Cardio Axe while you told me to "Have fun" and your beach beauties shimmied their bum bums perfectly kind of made me want to barf. All over those beach beauties. So I found a cardio workout on Netflix that wasn't too complicated and didn't involve any dance moves and did that for 20 minutes instead. Please don't be angry.

You know I can't stay away from you for very long. I did High & Tight after the other cardio and boy was I happy to see you on the screen. I tried so hard to hold in my abs like you said during all those leg lifts, but since I'm never really sure what that means, I don't know if I actually did it. Couldn't you come over now and then and give me a personal training session? Please bring another resistance band with you because the one that came with the program broke today while I was doing the clamshell leg exercises.

Leandro, I think I am simply hopelessly uncoordinated and can't remember a sequence of moves to save my life. It's tough to be faced with my own ineptitude day after day doing these workouts. I'll be going back to walking and cycling when this experiment is over, but I will continue to do the strength training and toning workouts a few times a week. For now, any time I'm tempted to skip a workout because I'm tired or fast-forward through the tricky parts, I hear your voice in my head saying, "Give it all, don't settle for less." How can I argue with that?

Yours always,