UPDATE, Sept. 24: A post about the event is here. Big Time Rush visited Mrs. Obama at White House
President Obama smiled from the sidelines as he watched First Lady Obama jump rope on the South Lawn with a gang of kids, taping a promo video for Nickelodeon's Worldwide Day of Play. This year's edition of the annual event that encourages kids to ditch their TVs and go outdoors to play is Saturday, Sept. 24th, on the Ellipse across from the White House, according to Nickelodeon. Mrs. Obama will be joined by teen stars featured on the shows iCarly; Big Time Rush; Supah Ninjas; Victorious and Bucket and Skinner. They'll be highlighting the Million PALA Challenge, a Let's Move! initiative to get more than one million Americans to complete the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award. The guys who are in the Big Time Rush band and the Fresh Beat Band will give a free concert. Events are scheduled from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM; more info here. (Above: The President hugs the First Lady after her jumping fest)
"I hope that you will all join me and kids across the country to celebrate Nickelodeon's Worldwide Day of Play. I'll be participating right here in Washington," Mrs. Obama says in the video. "But you can play no matter where you are."
Mrs. Obama has herself completed the PALA challenge (see below). September, by Presidential Proclamation, is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. Nickelodeon channels and websites will go dark for part of the day; this year is the eighth time the media company has run the event.
"Time to go outside and play for one fantastic day, filled with amazing concerts, tons of active activities, and (how could we forget) all of our favorite Nick Stars! Oh, and did we mention it's at the White House?" Nickelodeon writes on its website.
The First Lady's video:
The First Lady made her sitcom debut in June, filming a special episode of iCarly during a visit to Los Angeles. Some of her castmates join her in the video.

The Million PALA Challenge was launched in September of 2010, and requires kids to be physically active for an hour a day five days a week for six weeks, with adults doing half an hour of activity. Mrs. Obama has earned her own PALA award. (Above: Mrs. Obama does double dutch for the video)
The First Lady completed her PALA Challenge "with help from the family trainer and Council member Cornell McClellan," Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints quarterback and co-chair of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, wrote on the Let's Move! blog.
"Her activity log included dancing with Sasha and Malia, walking Bo, the dog, and climbing the White House stairs," Brees wrote. "If she can find the time to exercise, so can you!"
Since last September, Mrs. Obama has received high-profile support to achieve the Million PALA goal. For instance, the NFL and the USTA both pledged to sign up 200,000 kids each. It doesn't end with the first million, however: The Boy Scouts of America created SCOUTStrong, a special program to help 500,000 Scouts complete the PALA Challenge in the next three years.
Information: Families and community groups across the US are signing up for the 2011 Day of Play. Check out http://pro-social.nick.com/road-to-world-wide-day-of-play. For more information on the PALA Challenge, visit www.presidentschallenge.org.
*Official White House photos by Pete Souza taken on July 15th. Nickelodeon video from Jessica Wilson on Vimeo.