President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden's weekly private luncheon today in the Oval Office Private Dining Room is one of the few events that's actually noted on the President's daily schedule, two days out from his Thursday jobs address to a Joint Session of Congress. Lunch will be at 12:30 PM. (Above: The President and Biden in the Oval Office, heading for the Private Dining Room)
The President and Vice President will both receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office, at 9:45 AM. At 10:15 AM, the President will meet with Senior Advisors, also in the Oval Office. Though his schedule is ostensibly low-key, the President is once again surrounded by controversy, thanks to remarks made by Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., on Monday. Hoffa was the President's warm-up act for his Labor Day address to a crowd of 13,000 in Detroit. The Teamsters president called members of the Tea Party "son-of-a-bitches," and essentially declared war on the GOP. The comments are causing an outcry in the media, with the story currently sitting above the banner on Drudge Report, where it's been since yesterday afternoon.
It's turned into "a big $&%!!# deal," as Biden himself might say. So far, the White House has declined comment. Press Secretary Jay Carney may or may not address the issue during his daily briefing, currently scheduled for 1:30 PM. Carney will certainly be asked about Hoffa's comments by the press corps. UPDATE, 9:55 AM: Carney's briefing has been changed to 3:00 PM, the White House announced.
Biden's day, for the record, begins at 9:15 AM, when he will swear in David Petraeus as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, in a brief ceremony at the White House.
*Photo by Pete Souza/White House, taken on May 16th, 2011