Advertising Opportunities

Because the Club Trillion blog has been extremely successful in its first week of operation, many hotshot business execs have contacted me about advertising their companies on the blog. Unfortunately, because we are amateur athletes and the NCAA has us locked down, we cannot accept any form of money in exchange for promoting your business on the blog. And since it would be a terrible business idea for us to let you ride our coattails for free, I am making this the official denial of all requests to use the blog as a marketing ploy. So please stop e-mailing me with your requests. You are jamming my inbox and it takes me forever to delete all of the requests. With that being said, upon my graduation in the spring of 2010, I am open to negotiate with anyone interested in purchasing ad space. Thanks for understanding.

Your Friend and My Favorite,

Mark Titus (#34)
Club Trillion Co-Founder