2009 SPJ Convention

Perhaps you recently took a spring break trip that recharged your academic batteries. It’s not too early to plan your next trip. Consider making it a vacation and professional development opportunity rolled into one amazing experience. We suggest the 2009 SPJ Convention and National Journalism Conference, August 27-30 in Indianapolis.

Convention programming will focus on the key issues in today’s shifting media landscape, issues of critical importance to the next generation of journalists: students and young professionals.
This year, like every year, the Convention will feature over 60 professional development sessions, a career development center, Journalism Expo and the national Mark of Excellence Awards luncheon.

But unlike years past, this year SPJ will celebrate a truly landmark event – our 100th anniversary. Join students and professionals from all over the country as they reflect on SPJ’s history and explore the future of the largest and most broad-based journalism organization in the country.

Best of all, you’ll have access to these amazing opportunities at an affordable price. Registration for students, post-graduates and campus advisers is only $135 – that’s $65 cheaper than an iPhone! But you’ll have to register before August 2 to get that early-bird price.

In fact, consider registering now – before the spring semester or quarter ends.

Log on now to the Convention Web site to see all the opportunities that await you, like a chance to meets CBS News and “60 Minutes” foreign affairs correspondent Laura Logan.

And if you want to be a part of the behind-the-scenes coverage, don’t forget the April 17 deadline to apply for The Working Press, a daily tabloid newspaper that covers the Convention. It’s is a great way to earn real newspaper internship experience – plus your registration and lodging are paid. Get all the details here.

We hope to see you in Indianapolis!