COPS Scholars In the News: Andrew Hayes and Teresa Myers

COPS members Andrew Hayes and Teresa Myers have two forthcoming papers examining the "casualty hypothesis" and support for war in Iraq, one in Mass Communication and Society and the other in International Journal of Public Opinion Research. OSU has put out a press release/announcement (see below) about their interesting and timely research.

Deaths to local soldiers matter in shaping war opinion
Americans think locally when they consider whether the loss of U.S. troops overseas warrants troop withdrawals, suggests a new nationwide study, co-authored by Andrew Hayes, associate professor of communication and Teresa Myers, a graduate student in communication at Ohio State. Researchers found that people were more likely to support withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq if one or more soldiers from their home state were killed there within the past two to three weeks, regardless of how many soldiers from other parts of the country had been killed recently. Read more: They were recently interviewed by WOSU about this research. You can listen to the WOSU news report and interview online.