600 Golfers at Gateway

Over the weekend, more than 600 people played Couchfire Collective's mini golf course created by 18 groups of artists at South Campus Gateway. From the Price is Right set and a Big Bird to a farmyard -- complete with "cow pile" hazards and farm-tool putters, the 18-hole course was a fun fundraiser and a chance for the artists to showcase their creativity.

Notable News

Put April 1 on your calendar! No fooling, it's the next triple-gallery-opening-night in Arts in the Alley at South Campus Gateway. The Arts Initiative space presents Mathematic Abstraction, new works by Carly Witmer, curated by Kate Dowell; the Shoebox gallery hosts a show called Iconic Columbus; and the Ohio Art League presents Open House, works by Allison Buenger and Colin McDonald, curated by Amy Koenig. Live music and refreshments will add to the opening festivities, which run 6 to 9 pm.

One of the Arts Initiative's objectives is to support individual emerging artists in central Ohio, and an event last Friday helped do just that. OSU President E Gordon Gee (below) generously hosted a "salon and conversation" at the University Residence for artists and local business and arts leaders. Reps from City Council, the Greater Columbus Arts Council, Experience Columbus and other local leaders mingled with and discussed the state of the arts in Columbus with 30 emerging visual and performing artists. The conversation focused on how to build on the already-dynamic independent arts community here. Above, David Barker of Experience Columbus chats with artists Lisa McLymont (left) and Amandda Graham.

GCAC’s OPPArt (Opportunities for Artists) Series is a way for local artists to connect with each other and further themselves and their work through professional workshops, roundtable discussions, social events and more. On March 25, 11:30 am-1 pm, the series features Jodie Engle discussing the OAPN (Ohio Arts Presenters Network) in GCAC's large conference room, 100 East Broad Street, Ste. 2250. Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2010, OAPN invites performing artists to learn more about the organization and how to apply to showcase at the group's annual conference, to be held in Columbus in October. RSVP by Mar 22 by calling or emailing Ruby Classen at rclassen@gcac.org or 221-8406.

Two OSU tap dance classes -- taught by Jenai Cutcher -- produced, presented and performed a "tap informance" for an appreciative crowd that gathered at the Arts Initiative space (above) on Weds, March 10.