Scholarship for the 2010 ICPSR Summer Program

A scholarship fund has been established in honor of Warren E. Miller for participation in the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) 2010 Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. The fund will provide financial support to outstanding pre-tenure scholars (assistant professors and advanced graduate students) in the social and behavioral sciences so they may attend one or two four-week sessions of the ICPSR Summer Program, held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Recipients of the Miller Scholarship will receive a fee waiver to cover Program enrollment and a stipend to help with expenses while staying in Ann Arbor.

Applicants to the Warren E. Miller Scholarship should have professional interests in one or more of the following areas of research (or in related fields):

Developing a common approach to understanding electoral behavior within or across nations
  1. Understanding the process of democratization in electoral systems
  2. Understanding the link between global politics and local electoral behavior
  3. Understanding how context influences political behavior
  4. Understanding how globalization causes change in political behavior
An application for the Warren E. Miller Scholarship should include:

  1. A completed Summer Program application form, submitted through the online registration system on the Summer Program web site.
  2. A vita
  3. A cover letter from the applicant, explaining his or her scholarly interests, background, and future research plans.
  4. Two letters of recommendation. For applicants who are faculty members, one of these letters should come from his or her Department Chair. For graduate student applicants, one of the letters should come from his or her faculty advisor.
  5. An official transcript (for graduate student applicants only)
Application materials should be submitted electronically. The e-mail address for doing so is:

Please be sure to put “MILLER SCHOLARSHIP AWARD” in the subject line of the message.

If necessary, hard-copy applications for the award also can be mailed to:

Miller Scholarship Award
ICPSR Summer Program
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
The deadline for applications is May 7, 2010.

Information about the 2010 ICPSR Summer Program, including the Program application form, is available on the ICPSR Summer Program webpage:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the Warren E. Miller Scholarship or the ICPSR Summer Program. E-mail: