ASAN-Central Ohio celebrates Autistic Pride Day

On Saturday, June 19, ASAN-Central Ohio marched in the Columbus Pride parade. Marchers included Noranne Cochran, Justin Rooney, and Whitney Brooks.

 Justin, Noranne, and Whitney hold signs

Before the parade, members distributed autistic pride buttons to the crowds and received a good deal of positive response from autistic people and family members in attendance. During the parade, ASAN members held signs that read Autistic Pride, Autistic and Proud, Autistics 4 LGTBQ, and Diversity of All Colors. According to Stonewall Columbus, over 195,000 people were in attendance at the event.

Noranne talks with the crowd

Noranne and Justin hold up signs

Stephanie Ballam, Jeffrey Strasser, and Melanie Yergeau also participated in the event planning, as well as in the creation of the signs and buttons.

 Designing posters and buttons for APD

Autistic Pride buttons

To view more photos, please visit our Flickr site.