Day 30

What boosts your self-confidence when you're working out? Doing it along with your mom, who decides she can't or doesn't want to keep up about half-way through the first workout and doesn't even attempt the second. (Which is ok because she's in her 60s, is in great shape, and looks like she's only 45. Glad to have those genes!)

What makes you feel like maybe you're not as fit as you thought you were? Doing Bum Bum next to your pregnant sister, who manages to keep up just fine and has perfect or near-perfect form for all the movements, including the Tae Bo-style side kicks. Not just-a-few-weeks-pregnant, but six months pregnant and very obviously so. Even with that extra weight up front, she still has better balance than I do!

My consolation was that she went up to take a shower after Bum Bum while I continued with High & Tight. Not that this is a contest, but still, does she have to be so much better at this fitness stuff than I am all the time?