Day 36: Start of Week 6

Woo-hoo! I've made it to Week 6! This means I get to move on from the "Too Big" (as in, your gluteus maximus is a little too maximus) workout schedule to the "Classic" workout schedule. Awesome.

I wasn't able to work out tonight until after 8pm. Given the time, and because Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was lying on the kitchen counter calling out to me, I opted to cut my workout a little bit short. Instead of doing Bum Bum and then Tummy Tuck, I did Bum Bum Rapido for the first time ever, followed by Tummy Tuck. Bum Bum Rapido is indeed a rapido workout: 10 minutes of squats, lunges, and some killer squat-jumping-jacks that Leandro calls super jacks. Those will definitely get your heart rate up!

I determined a couple of weeks ago that the knee pain I was experiencing was a result of all the lunges in these workouts. Now, I do only a partial lunge each time but I really squeeze my butt cheek when I push up in an effort to spare my knees while still working those booty muscles. Seems to be working, at least where the knees are concerned.

The Plank conquered me once again during Tummy Tuck. Need I say more?

Stay tuned for my next post, when I deliver some commentary on Leandro's Beach Beauties.