Day 38: The Beach Beauties

I was eager to exercise after work today, not only because I missed my workout yesterday but also because one of my "weight gauge" skirts was decidedly snugger in the hips than it should be when I put it on this morning. Must discipline myself better with the eating in addition to working out if I want to take care of that!

After doing 50 minutes of Sculpt, I feel much better and am ready for a big salad for dinner.

And now, as promised, some commentary on Leandro's back-up dancers, aka the Beach Beauties. Although they don't speak during the workouts, I feel that I've come to know them in a way, having watched them shake their booties and crunch their abs and press their triceps over and over these past 5+ weeks. There are Sofia and Angela, who generally do the "Level 1" modifications to the exercises; Mary the Redhead, who can really twist and shimmy; Ella, with long blond hair pulled into a ponytail, who appears in every video (if memory serves), both studio workouts and the shots on the beach, and whose form isn't always too precise which is why I think she's generally put in the back; Ebony, the only woman of color in all the videos, who doesn't get much attention from Leandro because she's usually in the back; and Arianna, who also appears in every video save one beach series and whose short, spiky hair somehow makes her look tougher than the others. Arianna has the best form and the most athletic-looking body of all of them. She's also the only one who ever appears to be breathing--she actually breaks her smile to visibly exhale during the weight-lifting exercises. The others simply smile placidly the entire time, except of course when they're laughing and gyrating on the beach during Cardio Axe.

In addition to these six women, there's one other woman who appears in a couple of the studio workouts, always in the back of the group, but Leandro never talks to her so I don't know her name. There are two guys who show up during Sculpt and Tummy Tuck, smiling like crazy to be working out with all these hot women. There are also three women who are only in the beach sequences (Leandro never talks during the beach sequences; it's video only, spliced in with the studio scenes), where they always appear to be having the time of their lives--as I'm sure they are. What could be better than doing squats and leg lifts on the beach with a Brazilian flag waving in the background?

Not only do the Beach Beauties have firm butts, toned abs, and the ability to exercise without breathing, they also never sweat. I have determined that the studio must be air conditioned to about 60 degrees Fahrenheit in order to produce this no-sweating effect. How else do you explain the lack of perspiration on their skin, or the fact that their heavily made-up faces don't smudge even a little, or their hair that looks no less damp after 30 minutes of serious cardio than it did at the beginning? Either they're computer-generated images, or it's very cold in that studio.

They must be CGI. No one could do The Plank without their muscles quivering like they do.