Day 45

I try to put on a positive face on this blog but I gotta tell ya, this whole experiment has got me pretty discouraged right now. I'm never going to look like the Beach Beauties. Never. If I ate only lettuce and tofu (with a Vitamin C supplement to ward off scurvy) AND exercised for about three hours every day, I might come closer than I am now, but I bet I'd still have a little tummy and a plump tush. That's an unmotivating thought. Ok, ok, so it doesn't get me off the hook for trying, but it's very frustrating to really work at something only to be thwarted by a non-responsive body.

I got a late-ish start on the workout today and consequently skipped the cool down section of Bum Bum and only did the first 30-35 minutes of Sculpt, meaning I missed most of the ab exercises. Since the ab exercises cause me to see my own poky tummy while I'm crunching it, I'm ok with missing those.

What good does it do me to master The Plank if my hips still have a girth of 41"??

OY. I'm going to bed.