Day 62

Went for an AWESOME bike ride early this morning on the Mt. Vernon trail, which winds along the Potomac River. It's my favorite trail and always delivers a great workout. I rode 35 miles in 2 hours, 52 minutes (including a 7-minute break at the turn-around point). I'm getting faster!

I still look lumpy in my bike jersey, but when I'm on the trail, I don't care. All that exercise makes me feel fantastic.

When I finished the ride and bent over to do some stretches and I just had to tell my legs, "good job." They performed admirably, carrying me that entire distance without failing. A healthy, strong body is a wonderful thing.

Only two weeks to go until my big annual bike ride, the LIVESTRONG Challenge. Neither my training nor my fundraising are where they should be, but I intend to change both of those before the event itself. (You can help me with the fundraising part by making a donation!)

See you later, Week 9!