Day 64: New Measurements; Start of Week 10

"I promise you, I guarantee to you, that your body's going to change." -- Leandro

Well friends, given that I've passed the 60-day mark, I thought I'd see if Leandro's promises of a changed body had come true yet. Since I haven't been 100% faithful to the Brazil Butt Lift workout plan, I knew I wouldn't yet have experienced the dramatic results witnessed in the infomercials but I was expecting some sort of progress.

The moment of truth, color-coded for easy reading:

Week 1----------> Week 10
Chest: 36"------> Chest: 36"
Arms: 12" ------> Arms: 11.5"
Waist: 34" -----> Waist: 32" (ish)

Hips: 41" -------> Hips: 42"
Thighs: 23" ----> Thighs: 23"

As you can see, I've lost a bit off my arms and waist, which is encouraging, but what's up with the EXTRA INCH ON MY HIPS??? Is that what all those squats and lunges and leg lifts have done to me? Beefed up some part of my posterior muscles? Actually caused them to GROW instead of tone and lengthen? No wonder that skirt doesn't fit me properly anymore!

I'm pretty peeved by that hip measurement. This might be a turning point in my relationship with Leandro. I did Tummy Tuck today and he just annoyed me with all his "I promise you, your body's gonna change" and "stick with me and you'll have beautiful abs" and "this is how to get the body you want" lines. Uh-huh. We might need counseling to salvage our relationship.

That aside, I'm taking a break from him for the next two weeks anyway while I pull out all the stops to train for the upcoming LIVESTRONG Challenge. I've been so focused on working out with Leandro that I've neglected my cycling training. (Lance Armstrong might not be as charming as Leandro, but he's way more inspiring, AND he's coming to LIVESTRONG!) I had a mild panic attack on Saturday when I realized that I only had one more weekend for a long ride before the event. I'll be going cycling after work at least a few days this week and next, and plan to do 50+ miles on my bike this coming Saturday. I've ridden the Philly course twice before and those hills are unforgiving. Maybe more cycling will get rid of that extra inch I've accumulated around my hips.

Welcome to Week 10.