Day 77: LIVESTRONG Challenge 2010!

On Day 77, I had the honor of participating for the fourth time in the LIVESTRONG Challenge. This annual fundraising event benefits the Lance Armstrong Foundation, supporting and empowering people who are affected by cancer. Thanks to the generosity of everyone who donated, I raised over $1,300, and together the 5,000+ participants at the Philadelphia Challenge raised $3.1 million. Million!!

Sporting my trademark Hello Kitty jersey, I got to test out my new bike in the hilly countryside northwest of Philadelphia. The bike didn't make me go any faster but it did make the hills much easier and kept my legs from getting as tired. Yay for new bikes! (And for one-of-a-kind Hello Kitty jerseys--mine got lots of compliments!)

The one downside to the event was the rain that fell off-and-on throughout the morning, making the participants wet and the roads slick. It didn't dampen out spirits, though, and I experienced the same rejuvenating feeling of camaraderie and inspiration that's present every year at LIVESTRONG.

Thank you to everyone who donated and offered expressions of encouragement and support. Here's to living strong every day!