Day 81: Leandro

I've decided I need to make up with Leandro and make him part of my life again. (Also, I didn't have enough time to go for a proper bike ride after work today.) Today I did Bum Bum with Leandro and the Beach Beauties. Thirty-five minutes of squats, lunges, and the like. Ah, he is cute and charming! I did find myself responding to his mischievous smile and that twinkle in his eyes.

Knowing how the lunges wreck havoc on my knees (you'd think I were an old man, not a healthy 30-something
jeune femme), I skipped the most intense lunge segments, but I did do all the squats.

At the end of this work-out, Leandro leads the Beach Beauties through a series of stretches, most of them leg stretches, to cool down. They do them all, however, while standing up, even though a far more natural (and easier) position for some of the moves would be lying down on one's back. Ok, so he wants to mix it up and keep them standing; I get that. What I don't get is how the Beach Beauties actually manage to DO some of these stretches. By the time I'm done with the workout, I'm all sweaty, including my legs. There's no way I can bend my right leg and balance my right ankle on my left knee--it slips off. Even folding one of my legs to pull that knee up to my chest (while standing) and holding it there is nigh impossible because my shins are too slick with sweat for my hands to grasp. As a result, I do most of these stretches lying on the floor, where gravity works in my favor.

Ah, Leandro, it was good to see you again, darling!