Day 83: End of Week 12

On Day 83, I went for a longish bike ride on the Mt. Vernon trail, starting near National Airport, going to Mt. Vernon, and back. I'm not sure but I think it was about 25 miles, maybe a little farther. It's always nice to be on the bike, riding on that trail, and I was pleased to pass three guys along the way who, when we all were resting at the turn-around point, commented at how fast I was. =)

Of course, a group of five guys also passed me at one point and, while one mentioned loving the Hello Kitty jersey, they did not later tell me how fast I was. That's ok. I'll take what I can get.

This marks the end of Week 12. Three months and nearly 90 days I've been doing this Brazil Butt Lift thing (well, mostly) and I still don't have a Brazilian Booty.

Next week I head to Greece, at which time I will consider this experiment officially concluded.