It's All About the Bike

On Saturday (aka Day 69), I bought a new bike. A proper road bike. Isn't it beautiful? It's a Specialized Dolce Comp, with an aluminum frame specially designed for a woman.

Every year as I struggle up hill after hill at the LiveStrong Challenge, I vow to get a new bike before the next year's Challenge. During every ride I take on the weekend, I crave a new bike, as much because I want to go faster as because my ego wants the serious cyclists on the trail to see me as one of them. My hybrid has served me well, but it was time for an upgrade.

This sleek feat of engineering is now reposing tranquilly in my living room. I'm gazing at it as I type, feeling, I must admit, a little giddy at the sight. Let's just hope the engine on the bike (aka, me) will be capable of powering this superb machine to a strong finish this weekend!