
I just read this story on Yahoo! Health about people who have lost serious weight and blogged about it during the process. (I wish this blog had that kind of following!) It's always inspiring to hear about people who have really changed themselves and their lives. You see that it takes perseverance, perspective, and patience, and that there's no magic bullet or shortcut when it comes to making lasting change.

I really love that so many of the individuals say that they focused on being healthier, not necessarily on losing weight. That has been key for me, too. I've paid more attention to my body over time and learned that I feel better when I exercise, when I eat a certain way, when I get up early. It's a strange irony that it is often difficult to do things that I know will make me feel better, even after all these years of living a healthier lifestyle. Why is that? Why are we our own worst enemies?

I encourage you, my three readers, to check out the story and feel inspired too.