Back in the Saddle

After a couple of boxes of Girl Scout cookies, almost a month of being sick with a bad cough that made cardio painful if not impossible, and just plain lethargy, I finally got back in the exercise saddle today. Holly and I strong-armed each other into working out in our individual homes this evening. We set our plans this afternoon, then I called to check up on her at 8pm and again at 9:30pm, both to make sure she was following through on her pledge and so she could hold me accountable for doing so too.

It worked! I did the Jillian Michaels workout I got back in January. I think it was even harder this time than the first time I did it, thanks to the overall fitness atrophy I've been experiencing. I confess I had to stop a few times to catch my breath and I did the beginner modifications for several of the moves--like the plank press (I think that's what it's called), which is when you go into plank position, holding your hand weights and then pull the weights up one at a time, using the same motion as when you pull the cord to start a lawn mower. I couldn't do the full plank; I had to balance on my knees instead of the balls of my feet. I did try the full plank for the second set but after just a few arm pulls my legs threatened to give out and I switched back to the knees.

Oh well. You have to start (over) somewhere, right?