Social Networks Workshop in May

FYI, for those interested in social network analysis you should sign up for this as soon as possible:

Network Analysis Workshop at Ohio State University

The Political Science Department, in conjunction with Complex Systems Innovation Group, Program in Statistics and Methodology (PRISM), and the National Science Foundation, is pleased to host a one day workshop on Network Analysis on Thursday, May 5th, from 9:00 - 3:00. The workshop will be taught by Bruce A. Desmarais, Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (

The course will provide an introduction to political network analysis and will cover the basics of network analysis including: terminology, data collection/storage and basic description. We will also consider advanced topics in description and exploration such as graphical representation and community detection. Additionally, the course will introduce methods of statistical inference with network data including regression with quadratic assignment procedure (QAP), exponential random graph models (ERGMs), and bilinear random effects models. All methods will be demonstrated in the R statistical software, and commented code will be made available in conjunction with the course.

There is limited space available for interested participants, so we ask all of those hoping to attend to RSVP as soon as possible (link below). If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please feel free to contact Janet Box-Steffensmeier ( or Jason Morgan ( Additional information and a detailed schedule will be emailed to registered participants as soon as they become available.

RSVP here: