Exercise Update

For my own record-keeping purposes, here's a run-down of my exercising hits and misses over the past week (today being Wednesday):

Last Wednesday: No idea; I can't remember. Probably a short walk, since I had plans that evening.
Thursday & Friday: No exercise. I was traveling for work and didn't fit exercise into the schedule.
Saturday: Worked out with Jillian. Plank pulls still brutal and my abs were quivering by the end.
Sunday: Day of rest.
Monday: Walked for over an hour after work. Got a couple of hills in there too. Glorious weather!
Tuesday (yesterday): Two-hour, 22-mile bike ride, including one brutal hill at the end. Ha.

On the eating front, I've been much more disciplined about avoiding sugar-based treats, snacking on fruit, and only eating when I actually feel hungry. I did give in to the late-night munchies one night, but since I snacked on edamame, I don't feel too guilty about that. Still, best to avoid those 10pm snacks.

Let's hope I can keep this up and that my pants will start fitting better soon!