Say Cheese!

I just came across a post on's health blog about a new smart phone app that lets you take a picture of what you're about to eat and send it off, then get the calorie count for the dish back in a few minutes. (The post: "Say Cheese, Nachos! Can Photographing Your Food Help Weight Loss?")

Although the app apparently only gets a B- or so for accuracy when it comes to identifying the foods in the photographs, the post's authors point out that the simple process of taking a snapshot of your food before you eat could help you to lose weight. Knowing there will be photographic evidence of your (poor?) eating choices, you'll be motivated to eat less and/or different, presumably healthier, foods. This is thought to be easier and less tedious than keeping a food diary, while serving the same purpose.

I think I'm going to try this for a week and see how it goes, starting tomorrow. I'll post the pictures on my blog at the end of each day so all three of my readers can follow along. I'm already on a high from those numbers on the scale Thursday morning, telling me I've lost five pounds in the last month; this sounds like a good way to keep up the momentum.