How Much Do You Want It? or Motivation

I had a college professor once who said that external forces, events, and individuals can't motivate people to act; motivation has to come from within ourselves. These many years later, I still think of that and whether or not I agree with it. When it comes to my health and fitness goals, I certainly think it's true.

That said, a little incentive now and then doesn't hurt.

Exhibit A: A little black dress I bought on-line recently. It fits well on top and accentuates my waist, but it also accentuates all my unflattering lumps, and not because it's too small; because I'm too lumpy. I ought to return it but instead, I'm going to keep it as an incentive to stick with the eating and exercise regime that makes me feel good and will help me look better. I want to be able to wear this dress on the 4th of July and look lithe instead of lumpy.

Exhibit B: My favorite blue silk blouse, which I bought two summers ago when I was at my lowest and best and ideal weight. Now when I put it on, I have to suck in to button it all the way and even then, the fabric puckers between the buttons. Not attractive! It's so beautiful and soft, and I'm annoyed to no end that it's simply been wasting away in my closet, unworn, while I've been making excuses about why I can't exercise. I'm determined to slip into its azure folds this summer and feel it moving lightly over my skin, sans sucking in or puckering.

In those moments (in those entire days, sometimes) that I don't feel like exercising or I want to cut my work-out short or I just want to binge on a pile of macaroni and cheese with no vegetables whatsoever, I ask myself how much I really want it. How much do I want to be healthy? How much do I want to lose 10 more pounds? How much do I want to fit into these clothes? We'll see how much I really want it in a couple of months, when I'm either able to wear that little black dress and that soft blue blouse comfortably--or I'm still just staring at them in my closet and eating cookies.