Photos from Saturday's Bike Ride

Here are a couple of photos from Saturday's bike ride. Led by our intrepid guide, Randall, we rode through Rock Creek Park up to the Mormon temple in Kensington, MD (including a KILLER hill to get to the temple parking lot), then rode into downtown Bethesda, MD, where we stopped for some froyo. En route to both the temple and Bethesda, we were constantly negotiating for space with the masses of walkers participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. From Bethesda, we hopped on the Capital Crescent trail that took us all the way to Georgetown, where we paused for these photos on the banks of the Potomac River. I'd never been on the Capital Crescent trail and found it to be quite scenic and well-maintained. I'll definitely ride it again!

Potomac River with the Kennedy Center in the distance (that big white building)

Randall, Dave, me

It was a terrific way to spend the afternoon!