Weekend Update

Exercise update for the end of last week:

Friday: 20-minute Shred with Jillian. It totally kicks my trash. I have to do the beginner modifications on anything involving the plank position or push-ups. I try not to do them on the other exercises. Upper body strength is definitely my, erm, weakness.

Saturday: With a couple of friends, I went for a wonderful bike ride that was bracketed by two very stressful segments weaving through downtown DC to get to and from the bike trail. I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to unclip from the pedals in time and would have a collision with a car or pedestrian. I was extremely relieved to return in one piece! We were out for about 3.5 hours but weren't riding the whole time, as we took a break when we got to the temple and then stopped for frozen yogurt in Bethesda. Aside from the stress of the city riding, it was a terrific way to spend a gorgeous afternoon.

Sunday: Day of rest.

All told, I exercised five days last week--Woot!