Exercise Roundup, Week of 30 May 2011

Today we have an exercise round-up in photos.

View of the Wasatch Mountains from the ravine near my mom's house, where I went for a long, invigorating walk/hike

Hiking in Torrey Pines State Park, San Diego, CA

Walking along the beach in Torrey Pines

Yours truly, still at Torrey Pines; it was a spectacular day

Spent about three hours walking on the beaches and piers of Coronado island

I think I hit four days of exercise last week--and consumed a gazillion calories!!! Between a Memorial Day barbecue at my mom's house in Utah, leftovers from said barbecue, and a vacation in San Diego that included a very rich birthday dinner, I was lucky that my pants still fit when I got on the plane to come home yesterday.

This week, sadly, I have no beach walks to look forward to, but I am craving long bike rides, which I missed while I was away. Stay tuned for more of my fitness adventures!