Exercise Roundup, Week of 6 June 2011

I'll be honest: Last week is somewhat of a haze and I'm not sure I remember what I did every day for exercise. I'm pretty sure I didn't hit my goal of exercising five days. I might have gotten four. Whatever.

Monday: On a plane all day, returning from San Diego. No exercise, unless you count my speed walk through the terminal to make my connecting flight.

Tuesday & Wednesday: Don't remember. I know I went for a bike ride one day and I might have gone for a walk the other day... or not exercised at all.

Thursday: Went for an hour-long walk on a route that intentionally included some tall hills. I tried to go incorporate an uphill for every downhill. It was disgustingly hot and humid outside; I recall being very sweaty by the time I got home, and not necessarily b/c I'd worked up a sweat with my exercise.

Friday: Babysat for my sister in the evening. After the kids were in bed, I tested my coordination skills with multiple matches of tennis on the Wii. Very fun! I played for over an hour and actually got my heart rate up a bit. What's more, I didn't totally suck! I wonder if that could translate to me not totally sucking on the actual tennis court?

Saturday: Bike ride on the Mt. Vernon trail in the heat of the day, which I wouldn't recommend. I did 20 miles in 1.5 hours, which isn't stellar time, but, hey, it was stiflingly hot and humid. I took with me a frozen water bottle, with the idea that it would melt a little when I started riding and I'd have something cool to drink at the half-way point. He he. Nice try. It was so hot that, when I reached for that water bottle at the half-way point, not only had the ice inside completely melted but all vestiges of coldness were also gone. Awesome.

Sunday: Day of rest.