Cardio Tennis Class

Tonight I went to my first cardio tennis class. It was actually my first tennis class ever, since I was about 12 years old, and I'm happy to report that I didn't totally suck. I hit more balls than I missed and, although I'm sure my form was all over this side of sloppy, I feel like this is something I could really get into.

The class was a combination of cardio drills, a little tennis instruction, and plenty of practicing our strokes. There were four other students, all of whom have taken other tennis classes and most of whom knew each other and the instructor. The teacher was terrific, my perfect combination of encouragement, fun, and correction (as in, correcting my form).

I was both gratified and surprised by the cardio element of the class. One girl kept complaining about the number of cardio drills and moves, and even the instructor seemed to think he was working us fairly hard. Considering the class was called cardio tennis, I don't know what she was expecting. It's not like tennis is a sit-back-and-watch sport to begin with, and we had plenty of chances for rest between each cardio segment. I was expecting something really strenuous, like boot camp tennis. While I got a good workout, this class was nowhere near bootcamp level.

That's where I was gratified to see that my fitness level isn't just in my head; I really am in pretty decent shape (physical appearances to the contrary not withstanding). Compared to those Jillian Michaels workouts I do, this class was a leisurely stroll!

Stay tuned for more reports of my tennis prowess and progress!