First Lady's Luncheon For Mrs. Deborah Mullen

A Joining Forces farewell affair for a passionate advocate for military families...
First Lady Obama will today honor Mrs. Deborah Mullen, wife of Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with a farewell luncheon. Mrs. Mullen, a tireless advocate for military families, has been a crucial partner for Mrs. Obama's Joining Forces campaign, and the 1:00 PM affair, co-hosted by Dr. Jill Biden, comes as the Admiral retires this week. (At top: Mrs. Mullen and the Admiral at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan)

"Deborah, you are a wonderful example of our amazing military spouses around the globe," Dr. Biden told Mrs. Mullen during a Joining Forces event in June. The Admiral and Mrs. Mullen have been married for forty years, and have two adult sons, both Naval officers.

"Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden have worked with Mrs. Mullen for the past two years, specifically on Joining Forces, the initiative they launched to support military families and veterans," the East Wing noted in its announcement of the luncheon.

Guests will include spouses of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Guard Bureau leadership, according to the East Wing. The luncheon is closed to press.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Obama will speak at an East Room event about the importance of supporting and retaining women and girls in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers. The National Science Foundation will make an announcement about retaining women in STEM fields.

President Obama is on the road today, participating in a LinkedIn town hall in Mountain View, CA, and three fundraisers in Southern California. Pop superstar Lady Gaga attended the President's fundraising dinner in Silicon Valley on Sunday night.

*In the photo at top, the Admiral and Mrs. Mullen are at the USO Holiday Tour at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan on Dec.15, 2010. DoD photo by Mass Communciation Specialist 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley