First Lady To Announce New Let's Move! Project

On Thursday, First Lady Michelle Obama will make a major Let’s Move! announcement "related to providing healthier choices and greater variety for families in restaurants," the East Wing said today. Exactly one year ago, Mrs. Obama addressed the National Restaurant Association, and urged the food service industry to dramatically reconsider its practices.

Changing the options in America's eateries has been identified as a major component of Mrs. Obama's childhood obesity initiative because about one of every two dollars spent on food purchases is spent in restaurants, and over 1/3 of calories consumed in America are eaten at restaurants. The Childhood Obesity Task Force Report specifically calls on restaurants to “consider their portion sizes, improve children’s menus, and make healthy options the default choice whenever possible.”

Mrs. Obama's announcement will be made at an event in Hyattsville, MD.

The First Lady's most recent Let's Move event was last week, when she brought her campaign to the US Open in New York, and participated in a junior tennis clinic with tennis legends and US Open competitors. The campaign has a new executive director: Dr. Judith Palfrey, a pediatrician, took up her post on September 6th.

*Photo by Eddie Gehman Kohan/Obama Foodorama