Obama Campaign E-Mail: Our Records Show You Haven't Ponied Up

Social pressure from OFA: Your neighbors have donated, why haven't you?!
Jim Messina
, Campaign Manager for Obama for America, today sent an e-mail to Obama supporters who haven't dropped cash in campaign coffers. It targets donors by city, and tells them how many of their fellow citizens "own a piece of the campaign."

"Here's something you don't have in common with 11,084 other supporters of this movement who tell us they live in Washington, DC," Messina wrote. "Our records show that you aren't one of the 11,084 people where you're from who have stepped up for 2012. Now's your chance to change that."

The e-mail is part of a scramble to get one million donors to reach a finance goal for the third quarter, which closes September 30. It comes as President Obama is in the middle of a three-day western campaign swing to meet the deadline. The President attended four fundraisers on Sunday, and has four scheduled today in Southern California. He'll do more tomorrow before returning to Washington.

The subject line of the e-mail was "11,084 people in Washington, DC,"

The text:


Here's something you don't have in common with 11,084 other supporters of this movement who tell us they live in Washington, DC.

That many of your neighbors have decided to own a piece of this campaign by making a donation of whatever they could afford. For some, that meant just $5. For others, it meant $100 or more. But each had their own personal reason for giving.

Our records show that you aren't one of the 11,084 people where you're from who have stepped up for 2012. Now's your chance to change that.

Make a donation of $3 or more today to support the campaign before the critical September 30th deadline.

Here's why you should join your neighbors in supporting this campaign: We've been running the numbers, and with hundreds of thousands of individual donors across the country -- we are now well on our way to a million people.

In the 2008 campaign, it took us more than a year to reach that milestone. This time around, we could cross it as soon as October -- just six months after the launch of the campaign.

Between now and then, we have an important fundraising deadline.

Our opponents have significant operations on the ground in key battleground states, full-time candidates without day jobs, and a lot of media attention to fuel their campaigns.

President Obama has you. And when you're building a grassroots organization from the bottom up, the first person gets the next one involved. And the first 11,084 provide the foundation and inspiration for the next 11,084.

Support the campaign before the deadline, and bring us closer to one million donors -- give $3 today:


Thank you,


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America