Obama Schedule, Tenth Anniversary of 9/11

Saturday, Sept. 10 & Sunday, Sept. 11: Washington, New York, Pennsylvania...
From the White House, President Obama and First Lady Obama's schedule of two days of events commemorating the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

On Saturday, the President and the First Lady will participate in a service project in the Washington, DC area.

New York City, Ground Zero
On Sunday, the President and the First Lady will travel to New York City, New York.

In New York City, the President and the First Lady will attend the September 11 10th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony at the National September 11 Memorial located in the World Trade Center Site in Lower Manhattan.

Later in the morning, the President and the First Lady will travel from New York City, New York to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Shanksville, Pennsylvana
The President and the First Lady will arrive in Shanksville, Pennsylvania to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the crash of Flight 93 during the attacks on 9/11.

While in Shanksville, the President will lay a wreath to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11 as well as greet family members of the passengers on Flight 93.

In the afternoon, the President and the First Lady will return to Washington, DC.

Washington, DC
Later, the President and the First Lady will arrive at the Pentagon. At the Pentagon, the President and the First Lady will attend a wreath laying ceremony.

In the evening, the President and the First Lady will attend “A Concert for Hope” at the Kennedy Center, where the President will deliver remarks. The Vice President and Dr. Biden will also attend.