Iron(s) Chef: Kass Golfs With President Obama

Cooking on the greens for 18 holes at Joint Base Andrews...
Assistant chef and Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives Sam Kass joined President Obama's foursome for his weekly golf outing today, playing under clear, sunny skies at Joint Base Andrews for more than four hours, beginning shortly before noon. Both the President and Kass are lefties, coincidentally. Marvin Nicholson, the President's trip director and frequent golf partner, and Nicholson's brother, Walter Nicholson, completed the foursome. No score was released, a longstanding White House policy. (Above: The President, Kass at right in orange, and Marvin Nicholson during a 2009 golf outing)

While the President golfs regularly, Kass was a baseball star in high school and college. And who knows? He may be hitting the greens regularly.  Unlike the President, Kass doesn't have a dedicated press pool--other than yours truly--following his every move.

As noted here before, the President and Kass have rarely appeared together in publicly released photos. The last time the Eater in Chief and his favorite chef cooked on the greens together was in August, during the Obama family summer vacation on Martha's Vineyard, the tony island off the coast of Massachusetts. They played 9 holes at Mink Meadows Golf Club. Nicholson was part of that foursome too. He was also, obviously, part of the foursome in the photo at the top of the post, from a golf game in 2009, Kass' first recorded game with the President after he took office.

Mr. Obama's 12-vehicle motorcade arrived at Joint Base Andrews at 11:27 AM, and after the golf game, the President was aboard Marine One by 4:40 PM, heading for Camp David, the Presidential retreat in Maryland. (Above)

He returns to the White House on Sunday.

*AP photos