Michelle Obama Greets Twitter Followers

The White House today released a 23-second clip of First Lady Obama welcoming the seventeen guests invited to participate in the Let's Move! Tweetup held during Wednesday's 2011 Fall Harvest of the Kitchen Garden.

"We've got some “Let's Move” Twitter fans that are here," Mrs. Obama said. "Twitter fans in the house. Woo! You guys ready? Got your thumbs ready?"

The event was a first for the Let's Move! campaign, which had 13,875 Twitter followers on Wednesday.

The guests--12 women and 5 men--were selected from "hundreds of applicants" who follow @LetsMove, the East Wing told Obama Foodorama. The First Lady's "thumbs ready" comment didn't quite become a trending topic, but just about everyone in the Twitter Greek Chorus tweeted it, including @Letsmove.

Mrs. Obama, the White House promised on Tuesday, will soon be answering questions on Twitter, with the hashtag #AskMichelle. Unlike @BarackObama, who has more than ten million followers, the First Lady does not have her "own" Twitter account. @LetsMove "is managed by" the White House Office of Digital Strategy, according to the East Wing.

The Twitter Greek Chorus live-tweeted their meetings with members of Mrs. Obama's team, including Charlie Brandts by the beehive, Executive Chef Cris Comerford in the kitchen, Let's Move! chief Dr. Judy Palfrey's gardenside briefing, and a garden tour with Kass before watching Mrs. Obama and student helpers harvest the Kitchen Garden. (Above: The group; the White House released the photo without id's)

The White House has been hosting Tweetups since President Obama first had a Twitter Town Hall in July.

*Photo tweeted by @LetsMove