Official Schedule: State Visit, State Dinner Honoring President Lee Myung-bak

From the White House, the official schedule for the State Visit and State Dinner honoring President Lee Myung-bak of the Republic of Korea. Following a day of events, President Obama and First Lady Obama will host the State Dinner at 8:35 PM in the East Room; a reception will follow at 10:00 PM in the State Dining Room. The menu will be posted here later today. Check for a livestream of events, including the Arrival Ceremony and the Press Conference. Follow @ObamaFoodorama for updates on Twitter, and check back here throughout the day.

Mrs. Obama will escort First Lady Kim Yoon-ok to a special event in Annandale, Virginia at 11:00 AM.

The Schedule

In the morning, the President and the First Lady will welcome President Lee Myung-bak and First Lady Kim Yoon-ok of the Republic of Korea to the White House. The Vice President will also attend.

**Please note that this event is currently outdoors and press coverage is subject to change depending on the weather.**

Later in the morning, the President will hold a bilateral meeting with President Lee in the Oval Office. The Vice President will also attend. There will be a stills only pool spray at the bottom of the meeting. The President will then hold an expanded bilateral meeting with President Lee and the Official U.S. and Official Korean Delegations in the Cabinet Room. This meeting is closed press.

In the afternoon, the President will hold a joint press conference with President Lee in the Rose Garden.

**Please note that this event is currently outdoors and location is subject to change depending on the weather.**

In the evening, the President and the First Lady will welcome President Lee and First Lady Kim at the North Portico. The President and the First Lady will then take the official photo with President Lee and First Lady Kim on the Grand Staircase.

Later, the President and the First Lady will host a State Dinner in honor of President Lee. The Vice President and Dr. Biden will also attend. The President and President Lee will each give a toast. The toast remarks during the dinner are pooled press. Following the dinner, the President and the First Lady will attend the State Dinner reception with President Lee in the State Dining Room.


9:00AM THE PRESIDENT, THE VICE PRESIDENT, and THE FIRST LADY welcome President Lee and First Lady Kim to the White House
South Lawn

10:00AM THE PRESIDENT holds a bilateral meeting with President Lee; THE VICE PRESIDENT also attends

Oval Office

11:05AM THE PRESIDENT holds an expanded bilateral meeting with President Lee and Official U.S. and Official Korean Delegations

12:20PM THE PRESIDENT and President Lee hold a joint press conference

Rose Garden

7:00PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY welcome President Lee and First Lady Kim
North Portico

7:30PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY take official photo with President Lee and First Lady Kim
Grand Staircase

8:35PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY attend the State Dinner with President Lee and First Lady Kim; THE PRESIDENT and President Lee will each deliver a toast
East Room

10:00PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY attend the State Dinner Reception with President Lee and First Lady Kim

State Dining Room
