First Lady Reportedly Dines At DC's Co Co. Sala; Restaurant Sends Out PR Release

The First Lady's "favorite" dish, "decadent chocolates" for Malia and Sasha, and 7 photos...
First Lady Michelle Obama
reportedly dined at Washington, DC's Co Co. Sala restaurant and chocolate bar on Monday night, an outing that earned her a headline on the Drudge Report today ("Michelle slips out of WH to dine on swordfish sliders and 'edible chocolate sculpture'..."). It also earned Mrs. Obama a position in the restaurant's marketing campaign: A publicist for the eatery sent ObFo a press release, reprinted below, on Tuesday night. East Wing aides wouldn't confirm if the First Lady and seven friends actually visited the restaurant, though the press release says Mrs. Obama personally greeted Executive Chef Santosh Tiptur.

Co Co. Sala on Tuesday also tweeted and Facebooked Mrs. Obama's visit, using the wording that appears in their press release, which was accompanied by seven stock photos of the dishes Mrs. Obama reportedly ate--including the "decadent chocolates" she reportedly took home to her daughters. The PR firm spelled the name of the eldest Obama child wrong, among other errors.

The press release, with punctuation and spelling not corrected:

First Lady Michelle Obama enjoyed a sweet night out with 7 others at DC’s Co Co. Sala on Monday night. Located on F Street between 9th and 10th, Co Co. Sala ( is a critically acclaimed DC restaurant, late night lounge, and chocolate boutique.

While seated in Co Co. Sala’s main lounge area, the First Lady and her friends enjoyed savory dishes prepared by Executive Chef Santosh Tiptur. This was followed, of course, by desserts which featured an edible chocolate sculpture and house-made artisanal chocolates.

“It was such an exciting and humbling experience to meet and be able to share my passion with the First Lady Michelle Obama”, says Chef Tiptur. He further noted that one of Michelle Obama’s favorites was the Moroccan Swordfish Sliders – prepared in chermoula marinade and served with fennel salad, aged pecorino, and hazelnut coffee dressing.

The First Lady did not leave empty handed. From Co Co. Sala’s chocolate boutique located adjacent to the restaurant, Michelle Obama left with several of Co Co. Sala’s decadent chocolates for Sasha and Maliha. Included with these treats were Co Co. Sala’s signature hot co co. pops.

The tweet from @cocosala:

It was such an honor to have First Lady Michelle Obama dine at Co Co. Sala last night. What an exciting and humbling experience!