President Obama's 2011 Hanukkah Greeting

"From our family to the Jewish Community around the world, Chag Sameach"...
Hanukkah begins tonight at sundown, and President Obama today sent out a holiday greeting on behalf of the First Family, offering "warmest wishes to all those celebrating Hanukkah around the world." Joined by First Lady Obama, the President hosted the annual White House Hanukkah reception in advance of the holiday, on Thursday, Dec. 8. The White House today released a new video, showing the kitchen being koshered for the reception, which had more than 550 guests. (Above: The President and Mrs. Obama at the reception)

President Obama's Hanukkah greeting:

"Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Hanukkah around the world.

This Hanukkah season we remember the powerful story of a band of believers who rose up and freed their people, only to discover that the oil left in their desecrated temple – which should have been enough for only one night – ended up lasting for eight.

It’s a timeless story of right over might and faith over doubt – one that has given hope to Jewish people everywhere for over 2,000 years. And tonight, as families and friends come together to light the menorah, it is a story that reminds us to count our blessings, to honor the sacrifices of our ancestors, and to believe that through faith and determination, we can work together to build a brighter, better world for generations to come.

From our family to the Jewish Community around the world, Chag Sameach."

*Photo by AP/Pool