President Obama Hosts 2011 White House Hanukkah Reception - The Menu, The Guest List

President welcomes Jewish leaders to celebrate the festival of lights with a Kosher menu that includes sushi rolls...
President Obama confirmed his Administration's "unshakable commitment" to the security of Israel as he welcomed more than 550 guests, including Administration officials and Members of Congress, to a Hanukkah reception on Thursday evening. The party was already under way when the President, joined by First Lady Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Dr. Jill Biden, arrived at 6:10 PM. It featured a strictly Kosher menu and the U.S. Marine Chamber Orchestra performing "A Tribute to Jewish-American Composers."

"We never need an excuse for a good party," President Obama joked, as he admitted that the White House was "jumping the gun" for a holiday that begins on December 20th.

"We do have to be careful that your kids don’t start thinking Hanukkah lasts twenty nights instead of eight."

It was the largest Hanukkah reception the First Couple has hosted, and the final one before the 2012 election. Candidate Obama recieved 78% of the Jewish vote in 2008, according to exit polls. Mrs. Obama smiled and waved to guests in the crowd as her husband spoke. Her hair down, she was clad in a sleeveless dress in a shade of metallic blue that is featured on the flag of Israel, with multiple ropes of matching beads around here neck as a complement.

The guests, packed tightly into the Grand Foyer, held their cameras and cell phones aloft as they stood between lit Christmas trees and green garlands tied with shining ribbons. They'd also been entertained by the West Point Jewish Chapel Cadet Choir.

The guests...
His comment about supporting Israel was the President's only political remark; he spent the rest of his time at the podium smiling broadly. Guests included Members of Congress, top Administration officials, and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

"We are thrilled to see her," President Obama said. "She's one of my favorites. I have a soft spot for her."

He also gave a shout out to Michael Oren, Israel's Ambassador to the US, and to Jarrod Bernstein, the newly minted Director of Jewish Outreach. See below for a list of invited Members of Congress.

The President briefly told the story of the battle of the Maccabees and the oil lamp.

"This Hanukkah season, we remember a story so powerful that we know it by heart...even us Gentiles," he said to laughter. "A story of right over might, faith over doubt, a story about a band of believers who rose up and freed their people."

President Obama said the Hanukkah story is a reminder that "miracles come in all sizes," and the holiday season is a time to "recognize the miracles in our own lives."

"This is also time to be grateful for our friendships, both with each other and between our nations, and that of course includes our unshakable support and commitment to the security of the nation of Israel," President Obama said, to applause.

After speaking, he left to meet with guests in the Map Room of the White House. The full transcript of his remarks.

A Kosher menu...with sushi rolls
The reception had a buffet of Jewish holiday specialties--as well as sushi rolls, which were also served last year. The kitchen was Koshered for the event, and the menu was prepared under the strict rabbinical supervision of Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Lubavitch Center of Washington (Chabad), in cooperation with the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington, according to the White House. The Meat was Glatt Kosher - Chassidishe Shechitah. All baked goods were Pas Yisroel; all wines were Mevushal. The foods were prepared Lemihadrin with a Mashgiach Temidi.

2011 Hanukkah Reception Menu

Roulade of Chicken Breast
Fresh Thyme Sauce
Arugula and Fresh Artichokes
Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Filet of Beef
Au Jus
Caramelized Pearl Onions
Shiitake Mushrooms

Pine Nut Herb Crusted Lamb Chops
Mango and Mission Fig Chutney

Homemade Potato with Scallion Pancakes
Apple Sauce

Dill and Vodka Scottish Smoked Salmon
Non-Pareil Capers
Chopped Egg Whites and Yolks
Lemon Wedges

Assorted Fresh Sushi Rolls
California Roll
Spicy Tuna Roll
Vegetable Roll
Pickled Ginger

Winter Squash Salad

Assorted Rolls

Dessert Station
Homemade Soufganyot
Crème Anglaise
Raspberry Jelly
"An assortment of homemade desserts"

Congressional guest list...
Members of Congress invited to intend included 8 Senators and 21 Representatives from the US House.

The Senate: Sens. Barbara Boxer; Dianne Feinstein; Frank Lautenberg; Carl Levin; Joe Lieberman; Bernie Sanders; Chuck Schumer.

US House: Reps. Shelley Berkley; Howard Berman; David Cicilline; Steve Cohen; Susan Davis; Ted Deutch; Eliot Engel; Bob Filner; Steve Israel; Sandy Levin; Nita Lowey; Jerrold Nadler; Jared Polis; Steve Rothman; Jan Schakowsky; Adam Schiff; Allyson Schwartz; Brad Sherman; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Henry Waxman; and John Yarmuth.

The menorah...
The menorah for the reception was lent by The Jewish Museum, New York and is dedicated to General Joseph T. McNarney, who served as the Commander in Chief of United States Forces in the European Theatre from November 1945 to March 1947. It was created in a displaced persons’ camp after World War II, the White House said. (Above: A long view of the reception)

The President's Hanukkah receptions in 2009 and 2010 included candle lighting ceremonies, but there was no ceremony this evening, because the reception did not coincide with the actual dates of Hanukkah.

This year, the White House released a special collection of Passover recipes created by acclaimed American chefs, including Joan Nathan. Some of the recipes are perfect for Hanukkah celebrations, too. (Above: the President speaks with a guest after his remarks)

Check the sidebar for all White House recipes.

*Photos by AP/Pool; reverse view photo by Pete Souza/White House