Sweden: The Obamas Sausage & Falafel Cart

Yes we can: Restaurant owners attract customers with "a giant Obama head," and say they would name their kids "Obama" and "Michelle"...
Naming their falafel and sausage cart after President Obama has proved to be a good marketing strategy for a husband and wife team in Sweden. Amro and Soumia Hawary, immigrants from Egypt and Morocco respectively, are doing a brisk business with "Obamas," which is located in the little town of Kävlinge in the southern part of Sweden, reports The Local. The name uses no apostrophe, in keeping with Swedish grammar.

The couple said they are huge fans of the President. Their cart is located behind a shopping mall, and serves falafel, kebab and sausages made by Mrs. Hawary. Her husband painted the cart's sign, which includes a caricature of the President and the words "Yes we can" in English. There's "a giant Obama head" on another hand-made sign on the main road, which attracts customers, both Americans and Swedes, who stop by to take photos--and then eat. Americans who live in the area are customers, too.

“I named it 'Obamas' because I really like the American President Obama," Mr. Hawary told The Local, adding that he's followed Mr. Obama's political career closely.

But like most of the restaurateurs who have opened up eateries named after Mr. Obama, in America and abroad, the Hawarys are apparently unaware that the White House does not allow the use of the President's name and likeness for commercial purposes.

“My husband loves him [the President],” said Mrs. Hawary. “If we had children he would name our son Obama, and our daughter, she would be Michelle.”

The cart made its debut three years ago, and is still going strong, despite tough economic times, reports The Local. The Hawarys predict a win for President Obama in 2012.

*Photo by Morgan Hill for The Local