Who "Deserves" To Dine With President Obama?

The Obama Campaign apparently wants to know which of your friends have been naughty or nice this year...
In an afternoon tweet promoting the third fundraising dinner with President Obama--now known as "Dinner with Barack and Michelle," @BarackObama asked "Which friend do you think deserves a seat at the table for #DinnerWithBarack?" The accompanying link went to the flag-wrapped screen, above, a new addition to OFA's website, which encourages supporters to enter their friends' e-mail addresses.

The three winners of the contest are each allowed to bring a guest.  The bar is pretty low for selecting "deserving" companions: Dining with the Eater in Chief and his incredibly popular wife can be had for a $3 donation.

The campaign recently advertised that it is looking to hire new staff to write its digital media missives. It can't happen fast enough: The word choices for campaign e-mails and tweets swing between boring, weird, and ominous.

"We're taking names," President Obama wrote when first announcing that he's raffling himself off as a dinner date for the third time. The phrase sounds more than a bit Orwellian, unless the President is Santa Claus, and checking his list twice.

The current contest closes Dec. 31. The President has completed one of his contest dinners, and the Campaign recently released five different videos about the Presidential dinner in October at The Liberty Tavern in Virginia. The date for the dinner fulfilling the second contest has not yet been announced.