Day 33

It's 8:33 pm and I just don't think I have it in me to exercise today. I didn't get home from work until after 7, then I had to take my bike to the shop to get the tire repaired before they closed (see entry for Day 27). I rode my bike home sans helmet! It was exhilarating to feel the wind in my hair for once but I also had visions the whole way of falling and bashing my head on the ground. Good thing it wasn't too far. I was starving by the time I got home (about 7:45pm) so I made a salad for dinner.

Honestly I just want to read my book and go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight, instead of doing Bum Bum for 30 minutes and Sculpt for 50. I have been taking the stairs at work this week, to the 5th floor. Doesn't that count for something? I'm also going on a long bike ride tomorrow, which will burn a zillion calories at least and help tone my tush too.

There you have it: guilt trip averted. I may not have a Brazilian booty, but I'm healthy!