Day 43: Start of Week 7

Dear Readers,

Due to a series of incredibly unbelievable events, Leandro was unable to make my workout session today. He didn't show up for Cardio Axe nor for Sculpt. Instead, he sent special guest trainer Ana Caban, who treated me to a session of Cardio Pilates--30 minutes of core-strengthening Pilates moves followed by a 15-minute cardio workout.

The Pilates portion was a good reminder of how rotund my mid-section still is and yet how much stronger it is now than it was six months ago (which is probably the last time I did this workout), likely thanks to Leandro's Tummy Tuck. Although lacking in Leandro's cute Brazilian charm, Ana is an excellent instructor, moving methodically through the moves and explaining each one well. I particularly appreciate this cardio segment because it's not at all complicated. It features a series of basic moves, repeated over and over. In other words, heaven for the uncoordinated follower.

After Ana left, I did 20 one-legged squats on each leg to help firm up my bum bum.

Thanks, Ana, for a great start to Week 7!